Den øverste startede jeg sidste år men har først kunnet færdiggøre den nu. Den var rar at lave og mønsteret kan findes på internettet.
Den nederste var meget svær at få til at ligge fladt, jeg var nød til at bruge strygejernet intenst. En skam for det er en klassisk type flakon, minder mig om dem min moster lavede mange af og som altid lå fladt på bordet.
You cdrtainly have been busy! I love the one on the bottom.
Ahhhhh... such pretty doilies. You have been very busy. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments. I am partial to the doily on the top photo.
Thank you to both of you for your very kind words.
Yes I like tatting doilies, maybe because it was the very first tatting I saw.
Those are both really pretty. I have been meaning to make the Arches Doily for a while now. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog.
Thank you Susanne for sharing such lovely work!
Would you write me a private email to: LadyShuttleMaker@hotmail.com ?
I would like to discuss something with you!
Wow you make a lot of doilies! You are amazing how much tatting you can do! I've not yet done a doily but have done lots of motifs. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Thank you for your message, Melissa. Sorry I thought I had deleted the message but then it turned up here fortunately - sorry for fooling around with this.
LOL That's alright stuff like that happens I totally understand. Your work is just amazing!
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