It comes right from the shuttle so sorry if the picture is not a good one, it was taken in a hurry.
Somehow I am actually a little bit proud of myself, because it is done in Cebelia size 30 and DMC 30 (the white one), and that cebelia thread used to break a lot for me once, and therefore I was thinking maybe the thread was old or my tension was way too tight (both might be possible too). I am trying very hard not to tat too tight so I can use the thinner threads - I was able to do it a little once upon a time so it should be possible to get back to it. Problem is to get it look as tight and neat as it does when I tat in size 20.
Oh the pattern is from Anne's website in Norway, thank you for sharing the pattern.
Den sidste flakon lavet i denne måned. Jeg har brugt Cebelia størrelse 30, forhåbentlig kan jeg på et tidspunkt igen orkere med de der tyndere tråde, det er i hvert fald derfor jeg prøver at arbejde med fastheden i min orkis.
Mønsteret tilhører Anne fra Norge, mange tak for at gøre mønsteret tilgængeligt online.