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I am irresolute - not anymore
I am so irresolute. For more than a week I have not worked on this doily below. I can not make up my mind if I am going to finish this round or cut it off and say it is done. Why - because I can see that the clovers on the last round are overlapping and I think they are overlapping too much for the ironing being able to solve the problem. It worked fine untill this round of clovers and it is definitely not because my joining picots are too big, the crochet hook should be able to be put through them after all.
It is such a loveley doily and I would like to see it finished but I do not want to waste my good threads if it does not work.
As you can see above I am not irresolute anymore because last night I cut off what I had tatted on the last round. It is a smaller doily now but still a beautiful one and if it does not fit the purpose I had in mind then I will use it for something else. I did try to iron it first but it didn't work for me, so this is the best solution for me. And Linda can still be proud of her design, because I really like it this way.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pokkers også at denne sidste omgang betyder, at jeg ikke kan få denne flakon til at ligge ordentligt fladt på underlaget og jeg er usikker på om brug af strygejernet gør en forskel. Den er så pæn og jeg ville så gerne se den lavet færdig, men på den anden side vil jeg heller ikke spilde mit gode garn på den, hvis det nu ikke virker. Så derfor har den ligget stille i mere end en uge. Men hvad så hvis jeg klipper den sidste omgang af, vil jeg så fortryde det også. Åh, hvor vægelsindet har man dog lov at være. :-(Jeg besluttede mig for at klippe det på sidste omgang af, og jeg synes stadig det er en fin flakon, den er bare mindre end jeg havde forestillet mig.
How about just halving the number of clovers in the last round? Then perhaps they'd lie flat. It looks as though they are al crowded up, maybe it's your tight tension causing it. I think it would still look good with a clover on alternate chains of the round below.
I can see what you mean about the overlapping. Unfortunately, I'm not experienced enough to suggest a solution! The color is lovely. It does look purple on my computer.
How frustrating, it still looks pretty. I hope you figure out what to do to get it to lay the way you want it to.
I'm sorry you're having trouble with my pattern!
On my original, although the last ring of clovers are close together they do not over lap.
If you complete it, when you block it, dampen the tatting and pull firmly outwards from the centre, this should help to align the last row, and then iron it dry.
Oh Linda, no worries. Somehow I will get it done when I have made up my mind, lol. I am just a little busy doing some other stuff right now.
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