I felt there were a million little motifs to be joined on the last two rounds, so much to keep track of so it didn't get twisted and to join them in the right picots. Also at least a million ends to deal with, darn.
Wonder why is so much of my tatting is blue for the time being!!!!!
I am working on something else but I do not know how it will turn out in the end unfortunately so I am wondering what to do with it right now. My arm is a little sore tonight too, so maybe I should stay away from the shuttles for a night or two, if am able to.
Modellen er fra en af mine japanske bøger, den ene af mine to foretrukne bøger fra solens land. Denne var en udfordring for mig på grund af alle de små motiver der var at holde styr på og at få dem fæstet de rigtige steder. Til sidst var der så mindst en million trådender at tage sig af og det hader jeg.
Modellen er fra en af mine japanske bøger, den ene af mine to foretrukne bøger fra solens land. Denne var en udfordring for mig på grund af alle de små motiver der var at holde styr på og at få dem fæstet de rigtige steder. Til sidst var der så mindst en million trådender at tage sig af og det hader jeg.
I've just looked through all of your posts, and your tatting is beautiful! I'm glad you're recovering from your arm surgery. I also had surgery on my left arm (Dec. 31). I fell and broke my wrist. I just recently found out that it was broken in 11 spots! I'm really enjoying getting back into tatting, but it is slow going. Patience sure seems to be the key! Congratulations on your accomplishments, and I hope to see more of your work soon!
Thank you very much for those kind words, Diane. And good luck with your wrist.
Susanne, It is beautiful. I like how you did it with the blue hues. I have this same book and I LOVE it. This gal is soooo talented and her designs are all exquisite. I noticed you are on The Tatted Ring of Bloggers, now. WELCOME!!!
Tattingchic, thanks for the welcome and your words about my little doily. Yes it is an awesome book, I really love it but unfortunately so many of her designs are done with beads and I am not sure how it works on a doily. But that might be me being a bit too oldfashioned in that way, lol.
It turned out so lovely in spite of all the thread ends. Rest your arm up so that we can see lot's more of your beautiful tatting in the future!
Welcome to the ring! Your tatting is lovely! Rest that arm.
Welcome, Susanne to the Ring. You are obvioulsy an accomplished tatter, so when can we see some of your own designing? Once you start (if you haven't already) you won't be able to stop!
Just found your blog and I'm sitting and enjoying your tatting. It is beautiful and I'm a sucker for blue as well!
Oh I just love the color combo. Its beautiful and get well soon!
Thank you very much for your compliments.
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