Notice how different they are. It is the same design and I think it might be the same size thread too but yet they are completely different. It is so amazing what difference the choise of colour have etc.
Of course I like mine (:-D ) but I also like the one with the metallic center and the green and red very much.
Jenni, thank you for letting me show it here, you've done a great job with it even though that red round were almost driving you crazy at some point of time - that almost happened for me too, lol.
Both are absolutely beautiful!
I always love to see how others tat the same pattern. Color choices and thread size and the order of color can make 2 identical items look entirely different. Thanks for posting them both!
Just like people! All the same - but very different! Love both those colour ways!
I think they both are beautiful and show how different one pattern can be with a change of colors
They both look wonderful. and you are right the choice of colors makes all the difference in how it looks.
It is very cool to see them together. I love how color can completely change a pattern.
even the background colour gives your doily a different mood--the 1st was warm and the 2nd cool. both doilies (yours and Jenni's) are pretty. Jenni's look a christmasy LOL.
Definitely summer and winter Susanne. I tend to actually like those summery colors you have used too. Mine was Chrstmassy to start catching up on end of year tatting!!! I have to admit I was very reluctant to do this one with that twisty-picoty row (ewww) but after removing some of the picots it worked ok for me. Wish I had left a few more on the outside row now though. But all in all I think they look good together and I had a ball doing this "long distance" challenge..
Looking forward to the next one........are you????? LOL
They are both lovely.
The one you made looks like spring/summer with the sunny center and white fluffy tatting that looks like clouds and the blues that look like sky and ocean.
Jenni's looks nice and Christmassy!
It's nice to see the difference the color choices made side by side like that.
They both are so pretty. It's so interesting to see the finished product when different tatters are using the same pattern.
What is the monster doily?
Thank you so much for sharing both doilies! They are both beautiful! It is very cool how much difference color makes.
Just reading back over your blog. Forgot how lovely your summery doily was.
Still tempted to redo the outside edge on mine and do it WITH the proper picots!!!
Would love to get back to some of our old tatting sessions. Now no more night shifts maybe we can?
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