Some years I have tatted a Christmas item to put in the cards I am sending. This year I have only been able to tat 10 of the above stockings which I have given to my workmates and a few others. I have done this years ago and I knew it didn't require mork work than I could cope with. It is not my design.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Love your little tatted stocking! Merry Christmas, Dantatter!!!
Merry Christmas Dear Susanne!!!
Very sweet stocking. Merry Christmas, Susanne!
A belated "Glaedelig jul" from the 'displaced' Dane in the high desert of New Mexico. I loved the sharing of the Christmas tradition in DK. I'm always eager to learn more of my Grandfather's country.
Love your little 'sock' and I'm glad you are able to make a beginning at tatting again. You are in my prayers for a full recovery and years of enjoying our fiber art.
Best Wishes to you!
Bev Johnson-Davis ~ Ridgewoman
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