I have been asked how I am able to tat so many doilies. Well most nights when I watch TV then I also tat, so I do not feel that it takes a lot of time to do them. I have to admit that I like tatted doilies a lot, I call myself a doily-holic.
Maybe it is because they were the first things I saw in tatting when I grew up and my aunt tatted me 2 smaller doilies before I turned 15. Doilies and edgings is all that I recall she tatted. I still have to tat my first edging though.
Her er endnu en hvid og blå flakon som jeg lavede i sidste måned. Jeg skal altså snart slå over i en anden farve end blå. Mønsteret er fra en fransk orkisbog.
At orkere flakoner er et godt tidsfordriv når jeg ser TV, og jeg må indrømme, at jeg godt kan lide at lave dem. Måske fordi flakoner og blonder var hvad min moster orkerede da jeg voksede op, men jeg har stadig min første blonde til gode.
WOW! That doily is so pretty! You did such a nice job, too. tatting is such a good thing to do while watching TV, doesn't seem like such a waste of time that way.
Oh I love tatting edgings! I love how they grow, yet I've not yet done a doily! LOL We should challenge each other to do what we have not...I'll tat a doily and you tat an edging! LOL I do have a doily picked out it's an Iris Niebach pattern from a book of doily's I got.
P.S. what I meant was the TV doesn't seem like such a waste of time...not the tatting, that's never a waste of time as far as I'm concerned. LOL, really.
Thank you to both of you for writing.
I agree that tatting can never be a waste of time, lol.
A challenge, hhhmmm. Tatting an edging is not a problem, but then I would have to sew it onto something and that would be a HUGE problem, roflol. But if I do not have to put it onto something I will accept the challenge, lol. :-D
The doilies designed by Iris are all very lovely, I can recommend doing them.
Your doily is beautiful! I love doilies, but I only have crocheted ones around the house. I plan on having some tatted doilies by the end of the summer.
So pretty and the color combo is very soothing.
I like doilies, too! This one is very pretty and your color choice is perfect. Oh, your May snowflake is really nice. I think the colors are good for May snow -- we had some and with just a bit of sun then went rather colorful instead of just white! I'd rather May tatted snowflakes than the real thing, though.
Yes Diane when you like doilies you have got have a tatted one too. So many to choose from though, lol.
Thanks Lady Shuttlemaker, I am glad you liked the colours.
Thanks for visiting, Marty, I really enjoy to drool on your blog. Yes this time of year tatted snowflakes are definitely better than the real ones.
and I have visited today, to feed Albin!
Albin have told me to say thank you very much. ;-D
What??? We can feed Albin when we come here? I didn't know that!!! I'm gonna go give him a treat, then, right now!
Yes if you click on the treats and then above the box she will jump up and catch it.
Her name is made from my 2 favourite dogs names - Alli and Bindii - maybe that is why it does not sound female. Sorry, lol.
Yes, I fed Albin. Quite a few times, in fact it was so much fun that there is now a kitty at my blog...LOL You can come see here if ya want. It's harder to feed her, you have to get a can of cat food out of this thing on the right.
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