Below is this years Christmas tatting done by me, I think I did 10-12 of them for mostly workmates (done before my arm got crazy but not the reason for the problem though).

In Danish they are called "Nisser" (pixies, elves etc. in English) and they are part of old Scandinavian folklore. There are good ones and bad ones, ones that belongs on farms and in houses in general and even on ships (all over really). They are small creatures and not always that visible, sometimes all you see is their red hats. They mostly live in the attic it is said and they can get several centuries old. Rice porridge with a spoonfull of butter and cinnamon sugar is what they like.
So from a snowwhite DK I wish you'll all have a wonderful Christmas with lots of tatting presents.
And a Merry Tatting Christmas to you, too! Love the Nissers, and the info on them. Now I can blame them for anything that goes wrong around the house, yes?
Ii is said that if you serve them some rice porridge they wont be teasers anymore. No guarantee though.
Thank you for that bit of Danish lore. It pleased my heart. Would you spell Merry Tatting Christmas, phonetically ~ so I can see how to pronounce it in Danish? If you please?
The Nissers better bundle up in my attic since we have no roof but do have 8" of snow. So far the 'cushion' for the 'real' roof is keeping the attic dry.
I'm torn ~ I love snow and crispy weather (I'm afraid I'm the lone opinion in our house). Love taking walks in crunchy snow. I remember ice skating on a pond in Washington state ~ Our landlords were from Norway and they taught me how to skate.
Good memories. I was 12 and they had two sons in college. I was 'madly' in love with one of the sons ~ LOL Thank you for bringing these memories to my mind. love, Beverly
Merry Christmas!
Oh, yes, yes! I remember reading about the Nisser when I was doing some studying online about Danish Christmas Traditions! Do you put out your shoes for them to fill on Christmas Eve? I hope the Nisser are good to you this year and bring you lots of goodies!
Glædelig Jul! Ha ha I discovered my character map with the fun little character for other languages so even though my keyboard doesn't have these letter characters, my computer does on my "Character Map".
Anyway, is it
Glædelig Jul
Glædelig Jül
Which is right?
Nonetheless, Merry Christmas!
~TattingChic ♥
I love hearing everyone's special memories and tidbits related to Christmas traditions. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too Dantatter. The nisser are well and hiding in our house (and I have the photo to prove it LOL)
I enjoyed our phone call today very much and always wish so much that you were not so far away.
Hopefully soon we can start again to have our tat sessions.
Huge hugs from your Aussie "sister'
God jul og godt nytt år til deg også!
PS Mine nisser ber meg hilse til dine nisser ;-)
Hi there! Hope the new year is treating you right! Miss your tatting posts!
~TattingChic ♥
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