Here is one of the first doilies - just called "Tatted Doily" - I have done with a Lizbeth thread.

I really look forward to the day where Roseground gets size 40, that day I will go shopping there again, lol.
Not much more to say tonight, I am a bit tired after a long day so I will say bye for now.
Susanne, this is just lovely! The colourway is wonderful!
Fox : )
That is a really beautiful doily! Of course it's in my favorite color, which makes it especially appealing to me!
that is beautiful! You do wonderful work
Smashing job! I appreciate a well done doily. I don't often have patience for them myself lol!
Beautiful. I have asked Roseground if they are going to stock 40, the more people who ask he better.
So impressive, and the patience you must have!
Absolutely stunning mate. hat thread is lovely. Great job.
That is really pretty! It looks like you did it in their "Caribbean", is that right? I have a tons of size 20 Lizbeth thread, but none of the new colors and no size hoo. Ha ha...I have a lot of thread tho' so I think I'll be alright!
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