It comes right from the shuttle so sorry if the picture is not a good one, it was taken in a hurry.
Somehow I am actually a little bit proud of myself, because it is done in Cebelia size 30 and DMC 30 (the white one), and that cebelia thread used to break a lot for me once, and therefore I was thinking maybe the thread was old or my tension was way too tight (both might be possible too). I am trying very hard not to tat too tight so I can use the thinner threads - I was able to do it a little once upon a time so it should be possible to get back to it. Problem is to get it look as tight and neat as it does when I tat in size 20.
Oh the pattern is from Anne's website in Norway, thank you for sharing the pattern.
Den sidste flakon lavet i denne måned. Jeg har brugt Cebelia størrelse 30, forhåbentlig kan jeg på et tidspunkt igen orkere med de der tyndere tråde, det er i hvert fald derfor jeg prøver at arbejde med fastheden i min orkis.
Mønsteret tilhører Anne fra Norge, mange tak for at gøre mønsteret tilgængeligt online.
Your "Last Doily in May" is lovely. The pattern and the colors go well together.
It is soo pretty!
That is so pretty. I like it a lot. Good for you for improving your tension. That is the hardest thing to do in tatting, I think, because it is so subtle and no one can tell you how to do it. You have to figure it out on your own...it's one of those "subtle nuances" of tatting. You know?
P.S. So where's this edging I hear you've been tatting?....ROFLOL...hee hee (as I duck under the table to avoid having a tatting shuttle thrown at me...LOL)
Thank you all for those nice comments.
LOL Tattingchic, I am glad you duck under the table or you could even have been hit by one of my precious tatting books, roflol. ;-D
Ooh! Pretty doily! I'm back to my doily phase. I just love them!
Very pretty! I like the use of the light and dark threads to bring out the design. Congratulations on the improved tension!
I was worried that Albin might be getting hungry while your computer is broken, so I dropped in to feed her and keep her company!
On behalf of Albin I say thank you Maureen.
This is very VERY lovely!
I agree, this is beautiful. I have not tatted doilies for a while. This makes me want to start on one soon.
Hi! Is there any chans of getting Anne's websiteadress? I'd love to try to tat it!
Don't worry, Maureen, I feed Albin, too when I make the "rounds" on the webring...LOL.
It's fun.
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