I am still awaiting the yarn so I can finish my purple sweater.
In the meantime I have tatted a little bit but it does not look that good. It is not the tension that is my problem after the long break but it is not as even as I would like it to be. I don't know if it is caused by the arm or what.
At nights I have also knitted a little bit again, this time a scarf for a little boy. His name is Andreas and the pictures of him were taken two months ago when he was 7 months old. His mother is my youngest niece.
I will probably not have a lot to do with him at all but he is a cute little boy and I thought he would need a scarf to keep him warm. I just hope his mother thinks so too but no matter what I had fun knitting it. And the yarn is so soft and suited for a baby, some leftovers from a sweater years ago.--------------------------------------------------------
Ih du godeste, hvor det dog tog lang tid at få indlægget ovenfor til at se ordentlig ud. Enten er jeg fummelfingret eller også er det ret svært her at få placeret tekst og billeder rigtigt og ordentligt i forhold til hinanden hos blogger. Eller også er det bare mig, formentlig fordi det var sent på aftenen. Det er vist meget heldigt at jeg skal i seng, jeg vil skynde mig derind.